The Incredible Hulk will pass Earth today; will it affect life?

Skywatchers have been observing a green comet, nicknamed The Incredible Hulk, that keeps getting brighter as it approaches the sun.

 Officially named PanSTARRS, the comet is expected to reach its closest point to the Earth on August 7, Russian Media outlet Izvestia reported.

The Incredible Hulk was reportedly discovered September 2017. The space giant is surrounded by 260,000-kilometer-long cloud of dust and gas, which is electrified by the solar wind.

The size of the Incredible Hulk is twice the size of the largest planet Jupiter.

The researcher cometary meteorites Evgeny Dmitriev reported that the dust surrounding “the Hulk” can provoke around our planet electromagnetic processes. It is unknown what the scale will reach the gas-dust environment once closer to the Sun, we only know the fact that at the end of August will be the highest heating of the surface of the comet, resulting in increase green cloud.

According to Dmitriev, the comet was first spotted back in 2017, however, a thorough study had not yet. The scientist also added that our civilization may be faced with mortal danger, even if Earth simply passes through gas-dust environment; “the Incredible Hulk” couldn’t meet the comet nucleus.

However, Russian astronomer Stanislav Short was quoted by Russian media outlets as saying that Incredible Hulk, despite its "threatening approach" toward Earth and its tail of "giant electrified gas cloud," poses no danger as the comet broke up last month, and adding that such space objects have passed by our planet many times in the past without apocalyptic consequences.
