Rockets can leave a mark on the atmosphere well after they've
left, and SpaceX may have learned that first-hand. Researchers have determinedthat a Falcon 9 launch in August 2017 (the
Formosat-5 mission above) not only created circular shockwaves, but cut a
559-mile hole in the plasma of the ionosphere that lasted for up to 3 hours --
it was akin to a localized magnetic storm. The phenomenon was produced by
virtue of the rocket's light payload.
As Ars Technica noted, most rockets have a curved trajectory to reduce
the effect of gravity and alleviate stress. SpaceX's rocket, however, was
carrying such a light payload (Formosat-5 weighed just 1,047 pounds) that it
could and did take a near-vertical path. Think of it as dropping a rock in the
water instead of skipping it -- you're going to create a much bigger splash.
ionosphere hole didn't cause much chaos by itself. However, more frequent and more powerful launches with these kinds of disruptions
could significantly skew GPS navigation. Rocket operators may have to watch
their launches going forward to be sure they don't play havoc with phones and
cars on the ground below.
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